Mar 17, 2025, 05:56 AM Ultima modificación: Mar 17, 2025, 07:33 AM por maream
Alas s2 ELF +11 +speed +luck +HP reco 1%
Alas s2 SM
Alas s2 BK +1 +HP reco 1%
Alas de MG x2
Alas s1 Wizard

Divine Casco +9 +rate +luck +16
Divine Botas +9 +DD +luck +12
Divine Guantes +7 +DD +luck +mp +12
Divine Pants +7 +DD +4
Divine Armor +7 +reflect +4

Divine Pants Botas Guantes +7 c/reflect

Spirit Botas +DD +mp

Dark Side c/zen -farm
Dark Phoenix c/zen -farm

Set plate +7 +reflect / kite shield +reflect / kite shield +zen

Archangel Crossbow +9 +2% +20/lvl +luck +skill +4
Giant Bow +11 +2% +skill +12  /arrow +11
Bluewing Cross +9 +rate +luck +skill +12    /bolt +11
SoD +9 +rate +luck +skill +16
Hand Axe +rate

Ring poison c/reflect
Ring fire c/reflect +zen
Ring ice +hp
Ring wind +hp +mp

Pendant Lightning excellent rate 10%
Pendant Lightning atk speed +7
Pendant Fire atk speed +7 +mana/8

30 Bless
20 chaos
Crest x1

Box of luck x1

Items para alas/archan +speed/archan sword 2%/kundum staff/mace of the king/chaos bow etc
Entradas listas para BC y DS 5-6 y 7 (2-4 c/u)

Me voy gente, vendo todo junto a precio rematado

DISCORD: maream
por la super oferta :D
Ciel ingame